Get in touch with us if you have any queries

Email: Opening Hours: 10:00AM - 5:00PM

Your submission number will be sent to you in a confirmation email once you’ve completed your submission. We understand that sometimes our emails can be blocked or filtered before they reach you – So in this case just drop us an email at and we’ll respond promptly with your ID.

If you’ve created your submission with us (whether it’s through our website or any of the price comparison websites we appear on) and have selected our Freepost Pack option but still haven’t received your pack after 3 days, then you can use our freepost pack form to request another at :

We urge all of our customers to keep a reference of the tracking code on their free-post label and receipt. This will allow you to track the progress of your parcel at If it’s taking an unusual amount of time then email us at and we can investigate the matter promptly.

If your problem is specific to your submission and not answered here or on our FAQs then email us at and we’ll be sure to reply with an answer to your query.

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